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Timeout article The best yoga studios streaming online digital classes.

Becky Crepsley-fox

Updated: Feb 27, 2023

Missing your usual yoga class? These London studios will stream it straight into your living room

By Ellie Walker-Arnott, Rosie Hewitson, Laura Richards and Isabelle Aron Posted: Thursday January 7 2021

Whether you’re stuck inside, working from home or just back after a long shift doing something vitally important to keep our city going, yoga could be the answer. The focus on breathing, the concentration required to find balance in certain poses, the flow of the movements – it’s all an active meditation that can help clear the mind, quieten anxieties and strengthen your body. And luckily, it seems you can’t keep a good class down: these nimble London yoga studios are now providing online fitness classes you can stream straight to your living room. In the first lockdown, many classes were available for free on-demand, but after months of tiers and further lockdowns, studios now need customer support to see them through. So if you can, why not pay for a bundle of live classes and show your local some love? Here’s how to go with the flow on your front-room floor.

Yoga newbie? Teach yourself the basics with the help of MoreYoga’s YouTube channel, where they’re posting a series of short ‘How To’ videos, ‘all levels’ classes with teacher Becky Crepsley-Fox and meditation exercises for those struggling with cabin fever. For a more advanced and varied practice, access a whopping timetable of classes (the library has more than 3,000 and new livestream workouts are added daily), from hatha through to ‘rocket’ – with membership for £9.99 per month as part of a 12-month contract. When it all blows over, you can perfect your poses at one of dozens of locations across London. Yoga in a space where your flatmate isn’t cooking spaghetti in the next room? The dream.

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